About me

My current lab

The LEM3 laboratory (Laboratoire d’Étude des Microstructures et de Mécanique des Matériaux: Laboratory of Study of Microstructures and Mechanics of Materials) is my current lab. It is a collaborative research center affiliated with the Université de Lorraine, the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), and the engineering school Arts et Métiers. LEM3 stands as one of the most prominent research institutes in France dedicated to the field of materials physics and engineering. Situated in Metz, near the tripoint where France, Germany, and Luxembourg converge, it serves as a central nexus for scientific pursuits in Europe. With a team of over 250 scientists from France and various parts of the world, LEM3 conducts cutting-edge research in materials science, mechanics, and processes. Their work encompasses both fundamental and applied research, aiming to address significant challenges faced by society, industry, and science. By exploring innovative solutions, the researchers at LEM3 contribute to the development of long-term strategies that can have a positive impact on these domains.

My current teaching departments

I am assigned teaching duties in two different departments: one at the Université de Lorraine (Metz 🇫🇷) and the other at Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Materials Sciences and Engineering (Atlanta, GA 🇺🇸).


The École nationale d’ingénieurs de Metz (ENIM) is a French Grande École of engineering established in 1960. It is part of the Groupe des écoles nationales d’ingénieurs (ENI Group) and serves as an internal school of the Collegium National Polytechnic Institute of Lorraine (Lorraine INP).

ENIM specializes in mechanical and production engineering, yet its diverse curriculum places it among the so-called “generalist” schools. Situated in Metz, ENIM is a recognized public institution of higher education accredited by the State and is a member of the Conférence des Grandes Écoles (CGE).

Georgia Tech Europe

My secondary teaching department is Georgia Tech Europe (GTE), which is a campus of the Georgia Institute of Technology located in Metz 🇫🇷. GTE is part of Georgia Tech’s International Plan and offers undergraduate and graduate programs in electrical and computer engineering, mechanical engineering, computer science, and liberal arts. It operates within both French and American structures and is affiliated with the Georgia Institute of Technology. In addition, GTE houses a sponsored research program through the Georgia Tech – CNRS International Research Lab (IRL 2958). This program represents an international joint laboratory between the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia 🇺🇸, and the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). The research focus areas of this joint laboratory include advanced materials, secured networks, non-linear dynamics and optics, and robotics.

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