September 2024: book signing
Les Sciences sur la Place

June 2024: invited lecture
Pavillon des Sciences – Bar des Sciences
March 2024: Interview on France Bleu Lorraine-Nord (regional radio station) about maths and sciences in the society (link)

February 2024: Interview, Radio station, Chérie FM 🇫🇷
February 2024: Discussion, Cercle littéraire,
École des Arts et Métiers, Metz🇫🇷

December 2023: interview,
Our activities in the AddMorePower project
November 2023: invited lecture for high-school teachers,
Délégation CNRS Centre-Est, Nancy 🇫🇷
Save the world with materials science!

October 2023: online lecture
Lycée Ici Tea No Vahau, Nunue, Bora-Bora 🇵🇫
Save the world with materials science!
October 2023: lecture
Science Day
Save the world with materials science!
October 2023: online conference
Comptoir des Sciences
Lycée Condorcet (Terminale), Montreuil 🇫🇷
Save the world with materials science!
September 2023: Invited lecture
Sauvez le monde avec la science des matériaux ! – Save the world with materials science!
(IWAC09 (Limoges 🇫🇷)

August 2023: Interview on France Bleu Lorraine-Nord and Sud-Lorraine (regional radio stations) regarding the release of my book
Le Brunch France Bleu
February 2022: online conference
Comptoir des Sciences
Lycée Gustave Eiffel (Prépa PSI), Bordeaux 🇫🇷
Save the world with materials sciences!
From December 2021: weekly podcasts on France Bleu Lorraine-Nord (regional radio) about science
Lorraine des Sciences (more details); Article on Factuel (07/12/2021)
Article on France Bleu Lorraine Nord (21/12/2021)
Article on Factuel (06/01/2022)

October 2021: lecture
Science Day
The mysteries of metal deformation.
October 2021: One-to-one with a researcher
Research in materials science for energy transitions

September 2021: Interview on France Bleu Lorraine-Nord (regional radio station) about materials science in energy transition
Circuit Bleu – Côté expert

June 2021: lecture
Collège/Lycée Vauban, Luxembourg-City 🇱🇺
Deformation physics in the Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones.
October 2020:
Researchers in my town
Research in materials science and its jobs (with Dr. N. Gey).
Video in French only.
October 2019: lecture
Science Day
The mysteries of materials deformation in the fantasy.
December 2018: lecture
Lycée Fabert, Metz, France
Deformation physics in the Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones.
October 2018: lecture
Science Day
Deformation physics in the Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones.
February 2018: lecture
Lycée de la Communication, Metz, France
Deformation physics in the Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones.
October 2017: lecture
Science en fête
Deformation physics in the Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones.
January 2016: lecture
Université de Lorraine – IUT de Metz – Département MP (Metz 🇫🇷)
Deformation physics in the Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones.
2013–2015: scientific guide
Paul Scherrer Institut (Villigen🇨🇭)
2012–now: Science Day